About Lord Swaminarayan

Lord Swaminarayan, also popularly addressed as Shri Hari, or Sahajananad Swami or Bhagwan (Lord)Swaminarayan, is the highest manifestation of the Purna Purshottam Naryan, The Supreme God.

Several scriptures in Hinduism, have documented the prediction centuries ago that, the Supreme Lord will manifest in Kalyug (Kali Yuga) and assume the name Swaminarayan or Shri Hari, or Sahajanand Swami or Ghanshyam Maharaj.

Some of the excerpts of these documented proofs and forecasts are:




Skanda Purana, Part 2 – Vasudev Mahatmya, Chapter 18, Verses 42-44:


मया कृष्णेन निहताः साङर्जुनेन रणेषु ये |

प्रवर्तयिष्यन्त्यसुरांस्ते त्वधर्म यदा क्षितौ |४२|

धर्मदेवात् तदा मूर्तौ नरनारायणात्मना |

प्रवृत्तेङपि कलौ ब्रह्मन् भूत्वाहं सामगो द्विजः |४३|

मुनिशापान्नृतां प्राप्तं सर्षिं जनकमात्मनः |

ततोङविता गुरुभ्योङहं सद्धर्मं स्थापयन्नज |४४|

Maya Krushnen nihataaha Saarjunen raneshu ye|
Pravartyishyantya suraanste tva-dharm yadaa kshitau |42|
Dharmadevaat tadaa murtau Nar-Narayanaatmana|
Pravruttepi kalau brahman bhutvaaham saamago dwijah |43|
Munisha-paanrutam praptam sarshim janakmatmanaham|
Tato-vitaa gurubhyo-aham saddharmam sthaapayannaj |44|





Padma Purana:


पाखंडे बहुले लोके स्वामिनाम्ना हरिः स्वयम् |

पापपङ्कनिमग्नं तज्जगदुध्धारयिष्यति ||

Paakhande bahule loke, Swami-naamna Hari-h-swayam |
Paapaknimagnam taj-jaga-dudhdhaarayishyati ||


Meaning: When deception in the veiled disguise of righteousness prevails on Earth, Hari Himself will be born named as  ‘Swami’ and absolve the people of sin.



Vishwaksen Samhita:


भूम्यां कृतावतारोङयं सर्वानेताञ्जनानहम् |

प्रापयिष्यामि वैकुंठं सहजानन्दनामतः ||

Bhumyaam krutaavataroyam, sarvaanetaajna naham |
Praapishyaami Vaikuntham Sahajanand naam-tah ||


Meaning: I will take birth by the name of Sahajanand and will guide my devotees to my divine abode of Vaikunth.




महाधर्मान्वये पुण्ये नाम्ना पापविनाशके |

हरिप्रसादविप्रस्य स्वामिनाम्ना हरिः स्वयम् ||

Mahaadharmaanvaye punye naamnaa paap-vinaashake |
Hariprasad viprasya Swami naamna Hari swayam ||


Meaning: All sins and wrongdoing will vanish at the chanting of My name. Hari Himself will be born to the brahmin Hariprasad Pande





दत्तात्रेयः कृतयुगे त्रेतायां रघुनन्दनः |

द्वापरे वासुदेवः स्यात् कलौ स्वामि वृषात्मजः ||

Dattatreyah Krutayuge, Tretaayaam Raghunandanah,
Dwapare Vaasudevah syaat, Kalau Swami Vrushaatmajah


Meaning: In the age of Sat-yug, Lord Dattatreya will manifest. In Treta-yug, Lord Raghunandan alias Ramchandraji will manifest. The Vasudev, alias Lord Shree Krishna will manifest in Dwapar-yug, and in the age of Kali-yug, Lord Swami (narayan )will manifest.

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